Full-time Personal & Private Chefs in Dallas

Looking for an in-home full-time Personal/Private Chef in Dallas/Ft. Worth?
Select Chef offers a range of Personal/Private Chef services to meet a range of client needs in Dallas/Ft. Worth.
Personal/Private Chefs at Select Chef have on average 10+ years of professional culinary experience and education.
Our Personal/Private Chefs act as a trusted partner of your home operation. We take care of all menu planning, shopping, cooking, serving, and cleaning.
Why Select Chef?
- We are committed to culinary and service excellence.
- Weekly check-ins with our leadership team to ensure we are meeting and exceeding all client expectations.
- We understand life happens- if your Personal Chef is unavailable due to any unforeseen circumstances, we have a community of chefs that can pick up where they left off, so your service goes uninterrupted.